Monday, March 12, 2007

Critical Acclaim

I doubt that Mel Gibson (let's call him Mellow for the time being) will ever read this, but if he would, he'd certainly agree.

"What's a good movie without good clothes?"
The operative word being 'without'.

I'm not sure what drugs he was doing when he filmed 'Apocalypto', but if you do know, please be sure to consume the same before you watch it. Of course, if you can't guess that i thoroughly enjoyed the film, despite (rather because of) the mindless violence, gory details of morbid anatomy, heaps of mayan corpses (churned out on a daily basis), rivers of blood, mundane predictability, utterly inappropriate censor rating, hoards of stunned spectators going 'wtf?!' (many of them walking out); then you must not know me at all.
(You are free to read through that convoluted sentence again if its length has caused you to forget how it started.)
And if you are a budding doctor, please consider becoming Mel's psychiatrist. It oughta be a fun job. Also watch the movie if you like cardiology. There's a free demonstration of a cardiectomy (i know that you think there's no such thing) as a bonus.
And to those Drunkards Two, I can't imagine watching such drivel with anyone else!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Read 'em and weep

Pune never fails to inspire my best cynicism. If you spend most of your formative years in this city, it's like an education in the school of sarcasm. Public places in the 'real' Pune have a tradition : Treat all people like trash. Give them no credit for the iota of intelligence they have.

Here's some evidence to support the above.
(all the lines below are translated from puneri marathi, the dialect in which the kindest word sounds like a four-letter word)

Written outside a gate to a house (waada): Do not park any vehicle in front of any gate.

On a menu card in a restaurant: Once an order is placed, it takes at least 15 minutes before it is served. Please do not ask unnecessary questions to the waiter while awaiting your order.

Again, on a gate: We are vegetarians, but our dog isn't.

Another gate: Do not ring the doorbell more than twice. We are the ones paying the electricity bill.

At RTO: We are not responsible for anything.

On the door of a ground floor flat in the same building as MTDC Industries' corporate office:
Please do not ring this door to ask us the address of MTDC Industries.

On a shop on Laxmi road : We have no other outlet except this one.

Another shop: If you have nothing to do, don't do it here.