Friday, January 5, 2007

A Blog About Nothing

I have heard that it is a tradition to start blogs by first explaining why one converted from a non-blogger to a blogger.
For a while now, I've believed that blogs are not for me. For starters, all bloggers nurture strong opinions about the burning social issues. I, on the other hand, am almost devoid of such fierce beliefs. I lack the fervour. I cannot commit to being passionate about mass concerns. It reflects my innate fear of introspection. However, when it comes to petty debates(the existence of Davy Jones' locker, techniques of destroying remote controls and evoking equivoque about other sundry quandaries), my tongue cannot help but wag.
I was also averse to blogs as i thought it was a time-killer and more importantly, i WAS a lazy lump of corruption. And now i have run out of excuses. I had no clue it was so easy. No wonder all the dunderheads i know swear by blogs.
Other factors played a role in the creation of this blog. I didn't want to miss out on being the person of the year( TIME magazine)! Awright, i know the year is over, but what the heck! And i was egged on by a friend who also is a recent convert when it comes to blogs. She also mentioned that writing blogs tended to be cathartic and i was in quite a crummy place then. I thought to myself, "I could use some catharsis."
Simultaneously, the plagiarist within me, influenced by watching thousands of "Seinfeld" reruns, 'borrowed' the idea of writing about nothing. So before i get cracking on 'begging for comments', grant me the freedom to try out this not-so-novel concept. After all, don't you guys believe in the maxim-
To each his own. (it sounds way better in french: chacun a son gout).
So let me be, won't you?


Anonymous said...

I was about your age when I first took to can understand your sentiments...

The World Within said...

so i am a dunderhead...interesting
Very interesting indeed!

Anonymous said...

i think the poor fellow is referring to me and one sheetal sawant (sorry sheets!), and not to you when he says dunderhead. trust me, i would know.

Onyma said...

dunderheads?!! cheeky monkey.
waise(enunciated the sonali way), about time.
about time you had a blog, i mean.
And. yay!

Anupam Pande said...

i do indeed refer to the two above.
and i accept it. so i am no longer a cheeky monkey. or am i?

Anonymous said...

it must have been one cheeky monkey that bit you for sure...