Monday, January 22, 2007

Whose wedding is it anyway? Part two.

Any conversation at my place somehow segues into something about the wedding.

Me: Doesn’t this guy playing the flute (on the radio) sound great?
Grandmom: Why? Is someone gonna play the flute at the wedding?

Me: Why does this door-knob not work?
Mom: We must get it fixed before the wedding.

Me: I didn’t like this daal you’ve made today.
Mom: We’ll tell the caterers not to make this at the wedding.

Me: I saw a case of psoriasis today.
Mom: What is that?
Me: A skin disorder with….
Mom: (to my sister) You should get that acne treatment pack before the wedding.

Me: Who ate the last bit of chocolate I had saved for myself?
Grandmom: It must be your sister.
Me: What? Where is she?
Grandmom: Don’t say anything to her… it’s her wedding in a few days!

Me: I need some rough paper.
Mom: Tear ‘em from the book I wrote the wedding guest list in.

Me: I had lunch at ‘German bakery’ today!
Mom: Should I invite that German colleague Morganthaller?

Me: That baby in that advertisement is so fat!
Mom: I can’t believe I still haven’t remembered baby mavshi’s real name!
How do I invite her?

Me: I watched ‘Guru’ today.
Mom: I have to call the guruji to finalise the puja timings before the muhurat.

Me: I forgot my mobile at home.
Grandmom: My God! Your mobile number is on the invitations!


Anonymous said...

Funny, honestly funny for a person who hasnt suffered similarly yet :)
BTW just to make it worse for you, I'm actually the "karavli" for a wedding that is to happen on the 28th and guess what i havent had to do ANY of this!!!

Anupam Pande said...

how come? as for me, majhyakadna fakta kaame 'karavli'.
sorry, couldn't resist that one.

and ur bro's gettin married?

Anonymous said...

translate, translate :( :(

Anonymous said...

No baba, she's senior registrar, surgery. God knows how it happened but we're nearly best-frnds and resultantly i'm the karavli (=bridesmaid/maid of honor kar)
And all i have to do is eat, greet, look good and pose for the camera!!!!! which, come to think of it,is actually quite a task, i'm no laetitia casta you see :(

Anonymous said...

delete the first one delete the first one :( makes me look like a fool
i'm probably paying for that evil laughter :)

Anonymous said...

you posted two! Muhuhuhuahahaha!

and please wake up. smell the coffee. it's 2007. miss casta is an old story :)

Anonymous said...

* old story=from the current buzz perspective.

technically however (i just checked!) she's apparently 29 now...

Anonymous said...

well what did you want me say? i'm no paris hilton? hell yeah i'm no paris hilton and THANK GOD for it! Oh and i forgot to this in the last post :P :P :P :P :P :P

Anonymous said...

Pandeji! What are you doing? delete delete!

Anupam Pande said...

i have obeyed and deleted it FOREVER!

Anonymous said...
